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Overview of the Reports section within Analytics

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Written by Myagi Support
Updated over 3 years ago

At Myagi we believe that good training requires good analytics. Because of that, we've built out some comprehensive reports to give you insight into how users are engaging with your training over time. You can use these reports to help improve training effectiveness within your business. 

To access reports, click on "Analytics" within the navigation bar at the top of the page. You will be taken to the "Reports" tab, which features two key reports:

Company Activity

This report is most relevant to companies which use Myagi to train their own employees. Key visualizations include:

  • User Activity vs Number of New Lessons — This graph shows you the number of active users per month alongside the number of new lessons which have been added to your company (either created by you or one of the channels you connect with). This is useful because it shows how adding new lessons to your account impacts user engagement. If you see engagement dropping, check this graph to see if it might be because there aren't new lessons available for your employees to consume.

  • Average User Progress — This figure shows you how much available content has been consumed by your employees on average. For example, if this figure shows 80%, that would indicate that on average your employees have consumed 80% of the lessons available to them 

  • Team Activity Over Past Month — This graph shows you the percentage of users within each of your teams which were active or inactive over the past month. You can use this graph to find teams which are not particularly active, then try and motivate those users to to utilize Myagi more frequently.

Content Performance

This report is most relevant to companies which use Myagi to share training or content with other companies via channels. Key visualizations include:

  • Engaged Users vs Number of New Lessons — This shows you how many users have seen your content over time, as well as the number of new lessons you have created over time. Usually, this will show that dips in the number of new lessons being created result in dips in user engagement.

  • Engagement Leaderboard — This shows you how engagement in your content compares with that of other companies within your network. Your network includes all other companies who are connected via channels to the same companies you are connected to. If you are near the bottom of this leaderboard, it means that you should release new content soon to boost engagement.

  • Content Quality Leaderboard — This shows you the like and learn ratings of your content compared to that of other companies within your network. If you are near the bottom of this leaderboard, it means that you should try to produce more engaging content which includes more useful information for users.

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