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Creating effective incentives for retailers to increase engagement

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Written by Myagi Support
Updated over 9 months ago


Incentives are a great way to generate engagement and get people to complete content throughout the year.

Create digital incentives with Badges that contain reward codes or simply create a Badge that displays an achievement of completing content.

Hold a contest with the people that complete your content and reward random winners.

Why use Incentives? 🧐

People love to win prizes, receive discount codes, receive public praise, or display their recently obtained achievements.

Creating incentives throughout the year will ensure your success on Myagi and generate sustainable engagement growth.

You can create incentives for both internal employees and external retail connections.

An incentive should not become the trigger for completing content but if you create an incentive plan, you can ensure success around specific or important pieces of content throughout the year.

Think about how the lottery works. Everyone plays because there is a chance to win. Sometimes an incentive is simply showing that there are rewards involved and all they have to do is complete your content.

Brands like Orbea have been able to double their engagement by creating an incentive plan.

Creating an Incentive

You can create multiple different kinds of incentives that drive people to complete your content or you can use incentives to drive other goals you might have.

You can create incentives when you launch new products, during a marketing campaign, for a special event, or give something away just to get the people talking about you.

Start with a clear goal

External retail goals 🎯

  • Increase content completion

  • Increasing active stores

    • Tracking the activated stores will require everything to be set up within Network Groups.

    • Click here to set up Network Groups.

  • Increasing users engaged

  • Get a specific lesson completed

  • Increase # of signed-up users

  • Increase an emotional connection with your brand or products

Internal team goals 🎯

  • Increase activated stores

    • Tracking who has activated stores will require everything to be set up within Network Groups.

    • Click here to set up Network Groups.

    • The person activating the most teams ( Stores ) during a specific time frame.

  • Increase the number of users engaged

    • The person who has the most users signing up and connected to your content.

  • Increase users signed up

    • Tracking who has signed up the most users will require everything to be set up within Network Groups.

    • Click here to set up Network Groups.

    • The person that generates the most engagement on your content during a specific period of time.

Things to consider πŸ€”

  • How many accounts will be involved?

    • Will you try to activate all your retailers simultaneously, or look to target specific locations and go step by step?

  • When to have incentives

    • Do you want to hold them around product launches?

    • When is your peak selling season?

    • Do you want to make it a part of your marketing campaign?

    • Are you planning around the holiday season or trying to increase engagement during slower times.

  • Sustainability / Fequency

    • It is important not to create a dependency on rewards or big prices outside of regular badges.

    • If you are creating new content every month and want retail sales associates to come back to Myagi monthly, you'll want to consider smaller challenges and incentives that drive monthly behavior back to your content vs a quarterly or yearly incentive with a big prize.

What would a seasonal incentive calendar look like for your business?

Decide how to complete or win the incentive

Here are a few examples.

  • The team that completes the most lessons wins a prize

  • The users who complete will be entered in a drawing

  • Users who complete content before a specific date will earn a reward

  • Users who complete the content will earn a badge

  • Users who complete the content will earn a badge and reward code

    Things to consider πŸ€”

  • What kind of prizes can you give away and how?

  • What do you have/how much can you offer?

    • If you can't give something away, you can give them a sense of accomplishment by providing a cool-looking badge without a reward.

  • How many users do you want to reward?

    • Encourage team interaction and go with a team prize

    • Can you ship something to the stores, or do you want to use a digital code?

  • Want to build brand ambassadors?

    • Offer a big prize to a user that has consistently been active on your content for a period of time or earned all of your badges within a period of time.

    • Create a badge that is earned after all plans have been completed to celebrate those who complete all of your content.

  • How will you reach out to winners?

    • As a Myagi admin, you do not have access to the personal information of sales associates who are outside of your company organization.

    • You can add the link to a Google Form or Typeform to collect their private information so that you can inform them of their prize.

    • You add the URL within the badge.

Example incentive 1


Increase user engagement in specific lessons


if you have high enrollment but low engagement on your content

Criteria to win

Depending on how many prizes you have to offer

Option A

All users that have completed the specific plans and earned the associated badge are eligible to win the prize

Option B

Most engaged sales associate

How to measure

Option A

Attempts, select 'Group by User & Plan'. Then order the

Plans in ascending/ descending order to group them. Click

'Export as CSV' to download the information, and delete the

plans not relative to the incentive. Use the remaining to see

which users are eligible to win.

Option B

Attempts, select 'Group by User' from the drop-down menu and set the relevant date range. Then organize attempts /successful attempts in descending order, to see who has the most attempts.

Example Incentive 2


Increase stores engagement


When you have large accounts with a high number of stores not engaged or many activated stores that are not engaging.

Criteria to win

Option A

All the teams that have completed all specific plans

Option B

Most engaged teams

How to measure:

Option A

In Attempts, select 'Group by Company, Team & Plan'. Then

order the Plans in ascending/descending order to group them.

Click 'Export as CSV' to download the information, and delete

the plans not relating to the incentive. Use the remaining to see

which teams are eligible to win.

Option B

In Attempts, select 'Group by Team' and order attempts or successful attempts in descending order.

This will give you the name of the team with the most attempts.

Decide on an incentive πŸ€‘

This is where you can get creative and think outside of the normal box. Here are a few examples of some great incentives that have delivered engagement and created brand ambassadors for other brands within the Myagi network.

Communicating your incentive πŸ“£

There are multiple ways to communicate the incentives and encourage content completion. We recommend communicating your incentive within Myagi and outside of Myagi to ensure that you are driving people toward the platform and toward your content.


You should always use announcements to share the plan that needs to be completed and share details on the incentives attached. You can learn more about announcements here.


If you have contact details for the store or store managers, you can share details that they can easily pass over to their team.

Retail HQ

Reach out to the retailer headquarters and get them to reach out to all of their participating stores. If you can get the retailer behind the incentive, they will help you drive signup, engagement, and completion.

Flyers and posters

Advertise your incentive and partnership with Myagi in the breakroom of the retailers. Add a QR code to sign up and easily complete your content.

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